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Yoni Owners' Bliss Intensive (Get Your ORGASM ON!!)

  • Casa Bitts Canada (map)

This is a full day workshop geared towards people with a Yoni

We will be using Tantric practices to unlock pleasure that is the key to healing old trauma, releasing your blocks to bliss and creating joy and bliss in all areas of your life

In this workshop we will learn:

To use pleasure as medicine
To unlock the 11+ different orgasms
To heal your blocks to Bliss
About the 4 different types of Yoni owners ejaculate
Methods to heal trauma that is stored in your Yoni
Authentic Tantric Buddhist Meditation
Breathing techniques

Anyone with a Yoni is welcome!

All techniques will be displayed on a plastic model. There will be no nudity in this course.

$375 Only 12 participants
$325 early bird if registered and deposit paid by Jan 1
$100 deposit needed to hold your spot and lock in early bird rates

Please register at and pay your deposit via email bank transfer to (PayPal can also be arranged if needed)

Rosie Bitts is a Certified Authentic Tantra teacher and Sexologist. She has graduated from the only government accredited Tantra program in the world and her professional occupational code is Practitioner of Natural Healing. Authentic Tantra is a trauma informed healing modality. Rosie weaves her skill and experience of facilitating groups for over 20 years and working with hundreds of people for well over a decade in the realm of sexuality and creativity, into every course she teaches.