Hey Beautiful Humans!
Things are feeling pretty heavy in the first couple of weeks of this new year. I was hoping it would all be blowjobs and unicorns once we entered 2021, but instead, it seems like we’ve got to clear up some heavy stuff globally before we are able to move onto what's next.
So this newsletter is a little survival guide for getting through the macro and micro Shadow Work we all seem to be doing right now.
First of all, what is Shadow Work? From my perspective I would say it is going inward to heal the parts of ourselves that we generally don’t want to look at — the parts we think of as unacceptable — and dealing with our core, unresolved trauma.
I think to some degree many of us are being forced to do this work simply because the circumstances we are living in during this global pandemic and strong political unrest are bringing our personal issues to the surface.
Shadow Work certainly seems to be an appropriate term for what’s going on within our so-called ‘N. American' society as a whole right now.
So how do we get through this challenging time when we are already feeling fatigued, lonely, stressed, etc.?
Here are my Survival Guide Suggestions:
1. Find your people
It's easier to go through all of this with a support system. We need community more than ever right now. So even if you're just connecting with a few people make sure you are in regular communication right now. If you feel uncomfortable approaching people, know that most people are feeling lonely and longing for connection. They would probably welcome your suggestion of a zoom call or socially distanced walk. If you are feeling totally isolated there are FB groups to join (offer to chat with people or do something that is of service to them) and there are counselors available to call (FOR FREE) 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. Support is out there!
2. Bring ritual into your daily life
In ‘normal times’ we have many small rituals throughout our day that we take for granted. Make sure you are implementing rituals that you can do on a daily basis that bring you a sense of groundedness. I do a morning ritual every day that grounds me and gives me a good start to my day.
My short ritual (I almost NEVER miss this one): I pull 1-3 tarot cards, contemplate their meaning, write in my journal, and read from a spiritually-based book.
My long ritual: All of the above, plus meditation or Guru Yoga, and a walk outside or another form movement.
3. This is not going to last forever
So find something to be excited about. Start dreaming about the trip you’ll go on after the pandemic is over. Start planning a big family get together (date TBA). I don’t care what it is but start planning something that makes you excited for the future.
4. Dress as a gift to the world
Even as a professional fancy lady I have been VERY low key in my presentation this year. I very rarely even put makeup on for my Youtube videos. So every once in a while, I get dressed up and just leave the house. I’m not going anywhere and I’m certainly not seeing anyone, but it feels good to get my sass on again. I’ve been upping this by putting in my earbuds and listening to some fabulous music while I strut. Friends, maybe it’s not dancing at a sexy party all night, but this is FUN in covid times!
5. Feed your sensuality
Buy yourself flowers. Eat something delicious... slowly. Get a piece of art (you can find great art at thrift stores and Value Village; it doesn't have to be expensive). Give yourself a massage. Listen to music. Light incense. Clean your space. Inside/Outside same — create the external environment you crave to help balance your internal environment.
I hope these simple tips help. These are challenging times right now so if you're feeling high anxiety, sadness, grief, and worry please know that these are all normal reactions to what we are living through. And you are not alone ♥
I love you. I am sending you love and support from afar. Know that each and every one of you is thought about and blessed every time I do my spiritual practice. You are in my heart even if we have never met.
Take care of yourselves and each other ♥
Wellness together Canada
Free hour-long counseling sessions 24 hours a day with an RCC. 18886898604