Man, if Covid has taught me anything it's to keep things simple. I’ve become exceptionally good at discerning what’s today's problem to deal with and what’s not. Also, I’m generally not at all focused on anything that is only a potential problem. I used to spend a lot of time worrying about what might happen. Now, I just keep myself centered on today and what is actually happening. It seems like things are shifting so quickly that what looks like a sure disaster, can turn around in a moment and things I never considered could be problems or roadblocks come up unexpectedly. So I move into surrender and try to find the flow.
This type of surrender typically starts by feeling quite scary, but then ends up being really freeing. I love just letting go - when I finally get around to doing it. Usually, I try to fight and use my will against it - but when I’ve sat in that discomfort long enough, I remember I can just let it go. It seems counterintuitive but every time I do this, everything in life gets better. My business runs more smoothly. I get more clients. My relationships are easier. Money flows to me more easily and things generally work out.
Part of the trick for me is represencing myself to this moment. I do a little exercise when I’m feeling really stressed about what might be happening. I begin by really feeling into my body and then I start to put a name to what’s going on around me. For example: right now I’m sitting in my bed, cozy, writing this newsletter, I’m a little hungry, the sun is shining in the window, I can hear the cars going by and the washing machine spinning, the pillow feels nice against my back and I’m starting to feel get the idea. This little practice brings me back to my body and what’s actually happening in the moment.
How are you keeping your life simple? Or have things become way more complicated??
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