What an incredible time we are living in. I am home and in self isolation.

How are you? How are you managing through this very different world we are living in?

I feel like there is this beautiful pause right now; a small grace period for us to get provisions and examine our next steps before we see fully how COVID-19 will affect us.

I am trying to figure out what my next step is. My business (as with many others ) has been hit very hard by the effects of COVID-19. So, I’m looking at what it means to shift all my classes, workshops, and private sessions online, and most importantly, figuring out what the world needs from me. 

My focus is shifting. I will still be offering classes and workshops in Burlesque and Tantra with a focus on how to weave sexuality and creativity into your daily life, but I am now also thinking about things like growing food by creating a community garden in my backyard (if you know how to do this or have access to resources let me know), what people need right now to reset their nervous systems so that they have the best possibility of staying well, how to virtually gather and build community together etc…

I would love to hear from you about what you would like me to offer.

I’m thinking I will have 2 streams to share: Pre-recorded online courses that you can begin and enter at any time from any place in the world, and live online courses that will be limited to a certain number of people and will have scheduled times.  I will have some of these offerings available in the next week or two.

I am recognising how important it is to allow myself to move slowly, to have more time to sleep, and to make being in the sunshine my #1 priority. Through all of that, I am also feeling the pressure to change my business quickly so I can be of service and earn an income to support my family.

There are so many opportunities to support one another and to let go of old ways of being. We are transitioning into a new world and we collectively get to decide what values it will have. My hope and belief is that it will be a kinder, more heart and community centred world than the one we’re leaving. 


I will leave you with something I wrote yesterday as I was working out some of my fear and grief around all the change we are growing through.

“I’m feeling some grief and sadness today about what is yet to come. About the climbing numbers, the impending deaths, the economic crash and the world that will look very differently to the one I left when I entered social isolation a week ago.

All of these things seem true and very real right now and yet, I need to remind myself that the story is not yet fully written. I need to remind myself to leave room for the unknown. I need to remind myself that as sad as it is, people we love die every day. I need to remind myself that the beauty of being alive often balances, if not outweighs the tragedy. And I need to take myself out of the headlines because self isolated in my home I’m doing every practical thing I can do to prevent those numbers from growing and beyond that all I can do is surrender.


Fuck, I hate surrender. It is a leap of faith. It is totally letting go into the unknown. I have been sitting with the idea of impermanence for over a year now. It has torn me up, created fear and sadness. I have fought against it and  finally I have grieved over the realization that there is nothing permanent I can hold onto. That there is nothing permanent I can give to my children and my loved ones. Except for me. I am permanent. I am home and I am love. And this is really all I have to give to those around me.

When I leave this body (hopefully many long years in the future) my energy will still exist and there will be parts of me that linger on in memories and writings, in my children’s faces and hands, in the bugs that eat my corpse.

This thing that we are is the only permanent thing, not our houses or our money or our careers or even our bodies. Just this fierce spirit that lives within.

In this false world we’ve created, it is terrifying to think about because It seems so much less solid than the things we’ve come to depend on but the truth is that we are enough. And how beautiful, what a miracle that what we’ve got to give each other is - our deepest truths, our true selves.

Right now each soul and spirit is turning into the very same song. We are here experiencing this incredible moment in hand wellness. Please reach out and let me know how I can best be of service to you during this time.istory. Together, as a human family, for the very first time.  “

I love you and I’m wishing you good health   ❤️