New Moon Ritual


Hello, Beautiful Ones,

Today there is a very special New Moon - right before love day! ♥

Last year at this time I was with a group of wild and fabulous women in Bali doing wondrous and magical things. This year looks very different, but my gratitude feels the same. I feel blessed to be surrounded by the beautiful people in my life and I am grateful every day for my family's ongoing good health and well-being.

Tonight I’ll be doing a new moon ritual on my own. I was going to host this ritual on Patreon so that we could all join in together, but I’ve found that I’m not quite finished hermitting yet, and so it will be a cozy solo ritual night.

But I do want to share with you some of the things I’ll be focusing on tonight:

What do I want from love? 
How exactly do I want love to show up in my life? 
How do I want to show up for the love in my life?
How can I fall more deeply in love with myself?
Are there parts of myself I’m still being judgmental of?
What words of Love and Affirmation can I offer myself?

What do I want to create?
What are my heart's desires?
What’s holding me back from following my heart's desires?
What would life be like if I immersed myself in the act of creating what my heart desires? 

What are my monetary goals for this year?
How do I want to achieve them?
What frightens me about achieving them?
How would it feel if I achieved all my financial goals this year?

I will be sitting at my altar, doing some mandala offerings, as well as a little spirit journey.

Motivation in the Time of Covid


Hey Beautiful Humans!

Things are feeling pretty heavy in the first couple of weeks of this new year. I was hoping it would all be blowjobs and unicorns once we entered 2021, but instead, it seems like we’ve got to clear up some heavy stuff globally before we are able to move onto what's next.

So this newsletter is a little survival guide for getting through the macro and micro Shadow Work we all seem to be doing right now.

First of all, what is Shadow Work? From my perspective I would say it is going inward to heal the parts of ourselves that we generally don’t want to look at — the parts we think of as unacceptable — and dealing with our core, unresolved trauma.

I think to some degree many of us are being forced to do this work simply because the circumstances we are living in during this global pandemic and strong political unrest are bringing our personal issues to the surface.

Shadow Work certainly seems to be an appropriate term for what’s going on within our so-called ‘N. American' society as a whole right now.

So how do we get through this challenging time when we are already feeling fatigued, lonely, stressed, etc.?

Here are my Survival Guide Suggestions:

1.  Find your people
It's easier to go through all of this with a support system. We need community more than ever right now. So even if you're just connecting with a few people make sure you are in regular communication right now. If you feel uncomfortable approaching people, know that most people are feeling lonely and longing for connection. They would probably welcome your suggestion of a zoom call or socially distanced walk. If you are feeling totally isolated there are FB groups to join (offer to chat with people or do something that is of service to them) and there are counselors available to call (FOR FREE) 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. Support is out there! 

2. Bring ritual into your daily life 
In ‘normal times’ we have many small rituals throughout our day that we take for granted. Make sure you are implementing rituals that you can do on a daily basis that bring you a sense of groundedness. I do a morning ritual every day that grounds me and gives me a good start to my day. 

My short ritual (I almost NEVER miss this one): I pull 1-3 tarot cards, contemplate their meaning, write in my journal, and read from a spiritually-based book.

My long ritual: All of the above, plus meditation or Guru Yoga, and a walk outside or another form movement.

3. This is not going to last forever
So find something to be excited about. Start dreaming about the trip you’ll go on after the pandemic is over. Start planning a big family get together (date TBA). I don’t care what it is but start planning something that makes you excited for the future.

4. Dress as a gift to the world
Even as a professional fancy lady I have been VERY low key in my presentation this year. I very rarely even put makeup on for my Youtube videos. So every once in a while, I get dressed up and just leave the house. I’m not going anywhere and I’m certainly not seeing anyone, but it feels good to get my sass on again. I’ve been upping this by putting in my earbuds and listening to some fabulous music while I strut. Friends, maybe it’s not dancing at a sexy party all night, but this is FUN in covid times!

5. Feed your sensuality
Buy yourself flowers. Eat something delicious... slowly. Get a piece of art (you can find great art at thrift stores and Value Village; it doesn't have to be expensive). Give yourself a massage. Listen to music. Light incense. Clean your space. Inside/Outside same — create the external environment you crave to help balance your internal environment. 

I hope these simple tips help. These are challenging times right now so if you're feeling high anxiety, sadness, grief, and worry please know that these are all normal reactions to what we are living through. And you are not alone ♥

I love you. I am sending you love and support from afar. Know that each and every one of you is thought about and blessed every time I do my spiritual practice. You are in my heart even if we have never met.

Take care of yourselves and each other ♥

Wellness together Canada 
Free hour-long counseling sessions 24 hours a day with an RCC. 18886898604

Shadow Work Survival Guide

Jan 12.png

Hey Beautiful Humans!

Things are feeling pretty heavy in the first couple of weeks of this new year. I was hoping it would all be blowjobs and unicorns once we entered 2021, but instead, it seems like we’ve got to clear up some heavy stuff globally before we are able to move onto what's next.

So this newsletter is a little survival guide for getting through the macro and micro Shadow Work we all seem to be doing right now.

First of all, what is Shadow Work? From my perspective I would say it is going inward to heal the parts of ourselves that we generally don’t want to look at — the parts we think of as unacceptable — and dealing with our core, unresolved trauma.

I think to some degree many of us are being forced to do this work simply because the circumstances we are living in during this global pandemic and strong political unrest are bringing our personal issues to the surface.

Shadow Work certainly seems to be an appropriate term for what’s going on within our so-called ‘N. American' society as a whole right now.

So how do we get through this challenging time when we are already feeling fatigued, lonely, stressed, etc.?

Here are my Survival Guide Suggestions:

1.  Find your people
It's easier to go through all of this with a support system. We need community more than ever right now. So even if you're just connecting with a few people make sure you are in regular communication right now. If you feel uncomfortable approaching people, know that most people are feeling lonely and longing for connection. They would probably welcome your suggestion of a zoom call or socially distanced walk. If you are feeling totally isolated there are FB groups to join (offer to chat with people or do something that is of service to them) and there are counselors available to call (FOR FREE) 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. Support is out there! 

2. Bring ritual into your daily life 
In ‘normal times’ we have many small rituals throughout our day that we take for granted. Make sure you are implementing rituals that you can do on a daily basis that bring you a sense of groundedness. I do a morning ritual every day that grounds me and gives me a good start to my day. 

My short ritual (I almost NEVER miss this one): I pull 1-3 tarot cards, contemplate their meaning, write in my journal, and read from a spiritually-based book.

My long ritual: All of the above, plus meditation or Guru Yoga, and a walk outside or another form movement.

3. This is not going to last forever
So find something to be excited about. Start dreaming about the trip you’ll go on after the pandemic is over. Start planning a big family get together (date TBA). I don’t care what it is but start planning something that makes you excited for the future.

4. Dress as a gift to the world
Even as a professional fancy lady I have been VERY low key in my presentation this year. I very rarely even put makeup on for my Youtube videos. So every once in a while, I get dressed up and just leave the house. I’m not going anywhere and I’m certainly not seeing anyone, but it feels good to get my sass on again. I’ve been upping this by putting in my earbuds and listening to some fabulous music while I strut. Friends, maybe it’s not dancing at a sexy party all night, but this is FUN in covid times!

5. Feed your sensuality
Buy yourself flowers. Eat something delicious... slowly. Get a piece of art (you can find great art at thrift stores and Value Village; it doesn't have to be expensive). Give yourself a massage. Listen to music. Light incense. Clean your space. Inside/Outside same — create the external environment you crave to help balance your internal environment. 

I hope these simple tips help. These are challenging times right now so if you're feeling high anxiety, sadness, grief, and worry please know that these are all normal reactions to what we are living through. And you are not alone ♥

I love you. I am sending you love and support from afar. Know that each and every one of you is thought about and blessed every time I do my spiritual practice. You are in my heart even if we have never met.

Take care of yourselves and each other ♥

Wellness together Canada 
Free hour-long counseling sessions 24 hours a day with an RCC. 18886898604



Hey Beauties, 

Wow! What a Rollercoaster Ride 2020 continues to be. It's hard to make any plans at all right now as the ground is constantly shifting beneath our feet. 

Patience, Flexibility, and Resilience are the words that have stood out for me this year. Oh, and Surrender — definitely Surrender.

The landscape of our world and ways of being has dramatically shifted over this last year. Some of these changes I’m embracing, like letting go of the constant push to move forward and achieve everything quickly — I’m so glad to let that one go. And some of these changes I’m grieving — I would like to go out to shows again, I yearn to dance with a bunch of sweaty humans who I love or even sweaty humans who are strangers. But, whether we want to be or not, we are all on the steep learning curve known as ‘learning how to live in a global pandemic.’

Despite everything, or maybe because of it, I feel myself blossoming into a deeper version of myself. I am becoming a new, more mature woman. Someone who is learning how to take these challenges in stride and who is expecting more empathy and compassion from herself. I am softening. Not that I’ve ever really been hard, but I think my drive to succeed has kept me from paying attention to all of the richness that surrounds me. My softening allows me to be open to what comes, to be flexible when the path suddenly changes course, and to use my grace in the face of adversity or challenge. Letting go of the old version of me was hard. I liked that sexy, outrageous lady, but I am now also enjoying this softer, slower moving woman who I’m becoming. I feel more and more comfortable in this new softer version of myself.

What I am loving about the world right now is that everyday everything is so new. Everything is changing and shifting, and that is pretty exciting. It also gives me hope that we as a global community are moving toward a kinder way of living. I wake up excited for what life is bringing everyday. I am looking at my wrinkles with more acceptance and generally I’m just grateful that I’m aging because that means that I’m still alive and here doing this wonderful human thing.

Tell me what excites you? Where are you putting your passion into these days?

With so much love,

Rosie and the Team xoxo


I’d love to see you in my newsletter community for more juicy conversations, sexy tips, and exclusive offers!

I’ll send a FREE 7 day Tantric Tips for Conscious Dating course just for you❤️

A New Era!


Why, hello there lovelies! ❤️

I feel like we have started on a new path this week. The double, intense full moons of October are over, and we have survived the anxiety-filled US election!

I am fighting against the dark — it gets dark at 5pm here!! Wasn’t I just on the naked beach??? 

And I have started a new era in my life. I left a home and a situation that I have been tied to for the last 5 years. I feel bright and filled with gratitude despite the external darkness. 

As we are moving into this last phase of our year what are you grateful for from 2020?

I was chatting with a friend a few nights ago. We have been getting closer and sharing our stories, and he asked how I could find a purpose in the abuse and trauma I lived through growing up. It is such an integral part of who I am that I don’t really question it anymore. I feel anger and sadness for the child who was me; who wasn’t protected and who was hurt, but I don’t begrudge what happened or ask ‘why me’ or wonder what could have been. I see the incredible gifts that have arisen from what I have experienced. I truly don’t believe that I could do the work that I do without having experienced what I have lived through. It offers me the gifts of compassion, empathy, and the ability to see things from many perspectives. From a spiritual level, I see it as a deep experience of the human condition. Now, I would never tell someone who has or is experiencing abuse: “Hey you’re just fully exploring the human condition” — that would be some serious spiritual bypassing bullshit! That being said, I can look back, as an adult who is safe and able to provide for herself, and say that about my past experiences and what shows up for me now.


The other part of this is that I am now actively finding ways to remove myself from situations that are no longer offering me what I need to learn. Sometimes it's messy, and I get triggered and act badly, but more and more I am finding ways to gracefully disengage. That feels good. This year, 2020, has provided fertile ground for this type of exploration.

For me, learning to separate in healthy ways — combined with having to separate because of a pandemic — has made me put more time and focus into the connections I’m wanting to grow. I am feeling SO grateful for the blossoming and deepening of my friendships and community.

2020 has pushed me to take HUGE and scary leaps in my business and even though they are still in process I am excited for what is to come and grateful that I got ‘pushed off the edge’ so to speak. 

2020 has kept me from relying on what were easy, but perhaps not healthy, comfort zones. I have had to investigate what my needs are in every area of my life, how people show up for me, and how I show up for others. It has shone a light on all of the corners that I would have preferred to keep in the shadows. I have had to do a full house cleaning (literally and figuratively). That would have been fucking hard to do in pre-covid times, but because of the craziness of this year it has all been pushed to the forefront and I am grateful for that. 


This year has been the pressure that creates diamonds. We have seen people around the world rise up and denounce oppression and racism. We have seen communities take care of each other. We have seen people supplying groceries, money, and love to people who have been isolated. We have experienced deep shifts in learning about and experiencing things from other perspectives — whether that has meant learning about slavely and colonization or learning about the systemic barriers and inequities that affect access to services during a pandemic. We have been given the opportunity to look more deeply and to learn about all of these things in ways that were not as accessible before. It seems that a global health crisis was the extreme interruption necessary to bring the attention of mainstream media and other institutions to these societal violences.

For this moment, then, I want to take a deep breath and take stock of every good thing — every vital, thoughtful conversation — that happened this year and every important, juicy thing that 2020 itself has brought.

I’m having my own personal end of an era and I think that world wide we are all experiencing one.

What are the best things that have happened to you this year? The most important things? What are the gifts that 2020 has brought?

As always, I am sending you SO MUCH LOVE!!!

Rosie ❤️

I’d love to see you in my newsletter community for more juicy conversations, sexy tips, and exclusive offers!

I’ll send a FREE 7 day Tantric Tips for Conscious Dating course just for you❤️

Managing Stress


Hello Darlings! ❤️

It is our second full moon of the month AND Halloween! I hope you are all having the most eerie and delicious day.

I’m over here in Rosie Land moving Casa Bitts to a new location! Change is in the air, and it seems that I am transitioning into many new things at the moment, including into a new home!

We are moving into the darkness very quickly, which I think seems more foreboding this year than others. That's why focusing on pleasure and self-care is SO important right now.

What are you doing to meet your needs for pleasure and self-care?

It's been an intensely stressful couple of weeks for me — between creating the material for my new offers (more about those later), teaching the classes I already have underway, AND getting ready to move my 4 bedroom home — I’ve been feeling pretty overwhelmed.

I’m managing my stress by:

  1. Only doing what I need to do right now. This means delaying everything that can be delayed until after the deadlines that I have right now have been met.

  2. Taking epsom salt baths 2-3x per week.

  3. Prioritizing what's important — for me that means dropping everything to cuddle on the couch with my daughter or to go out for dinner with my son and his girlfriend.

  4. Saying NO to anything I really don’t need to do right now.

  5. Doing simple breathing exercises whenever I feel overwhelm. 

  6. Signing up for a food box delivery service so that I don’t need to think about doing big grocery shops.

  7. Stopping to pet my dog and cat often.

  8. Reminding myself that this is short term stress and that it will be over soon.

I’m learning that — despite life at times being unavoidably stressful — I can make it less or more stressful by what I do and by allowing my nervous system to rest in between the actual peaks of stress I’m experiencing. In reality not every moment is stressful. Most moments are not, and so I’m resting in that in-between time rather than staying revved up. It's a game changer for my overall well-being.

I will see you on the other side!!!

Rosie ❤️

I’d love to see you in my newsletter community for more juicy conversations, sexy tips, and exclusive offers!

I’ll send a FREE 7 day Tantric Tips for Conscious Dating course just for you❤️