How Do We Show Up for Love?


I feel like my ability to love is being challenged at every level right now. Maybe you can relate? We are literally in a paradigm shift at the moment and I for one am looking at where I have failed to love or have failed to call more deeply on my own humanity to stand up for the humanity of others.

Sometimes love looks like being a gentle mother, holding my children (even though they are grown) to my chest and stroking their hair. Sometimes love looks like listening to a friend vent or walking on the beach and sharing your stories or laughing so hard about whatever bit of joy you can find.

Personally, I’m finding that love looks more like setting really hard boundaries to end enmeshment in my family, telling men very clearly, loudly and sometimes publicly that I will not stand for any type of abuse from them for myself or other women, and rapidly letting go of old behaviors that don’t serve me or the people around me. 

And love also looks like my heart breaking a million times each time I look more deeply at the racist colonial systems of our country, how I have been too complacent in my lack of trying to dismantle them and how my own and others complacency has negatively impacted others, including people I love and care for dearly.

Showing up to love for me, right now, is learning how to be more accountable than I have ever been before. Looking at my own shadow, taking off my blinders of bias and privilege and a society that is built for my white satisfaction- and doing it again and again and again because it seems to be a never-ending job.

Tapping into this type of empathy is fucking painful. It's fucking terrifying and leaves me wondering how I couldn’t have seen things more clearly 6 months or a year or 10 years ago. And then I need to practice self-compassion because I realize that this road will only lead me to apathy and in this world of major shifts and awakenings I see apathy as my only true enemy. 

So opening to love for me is about radical shifts in all areas of my life. Internal and external. You will notice some shifts in my business around having some bursaries for BIPOC and differently-abled people and there will be much going on behind the scenes as I leverage my privilege to create more opportunities for others.

You may notice that I am more quick to speak publicly about injustice and abuse then I ever have been- I hope I’m able to do this with respect, to be able to plant seeds and open communication but I am also far more willing to shut things down and say hard no’s than I ever have been before. I know this makes people uncomfortable as I have been known for my gentle nature but it is long past the time of drawing lines in the sand- now is the time for action.

I am learning how to balance all of these types of love inside of me. The gentle and the fierce. My Mother energy and my wrathful Dakini energy. 

Although the growing pains are hard I look forward to a more equal world. I look forward to Justice for people who have been oppressed and I look forward to a time when ALL of us can rest- not just the privileged few. 

I’m sending you all love. Gentle love and my fierce Dakini love.

May you hold strangers to your breasts as tenderly as if they were your own babies and slay the demon of ego when you see it.

May it be so
So Ha

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