Finding Bliss

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I know you guys have heard me say this before but I’ll say it again. I’m so grateful for my Tantric practice. One of our elemental practices is the Fire meditation. It is the antidote to Attachment and brings the quality of bliss. I go back to working with the antidote to attachment again and again.

In Vajrayana Buddhism, we see our bliss state or buddha nature as our natural state of being. It is the challenging things that happen throughout life and our reactions to them that create our blocks to bliss. I love this concept as it reminds me that I always have access to my bliss nature. No matter what.

My son's friend died on July 18th this year. They went to high school together and I watched that sweet and very mischievous boy become a deeply complicated man. He died as a result of addiction. I’ve been hit by many waves of grief since I heard the news of his passing. My heart is broken for his family and for the incredible potential of that man that will never be realized. 

And usually, as the grief hits I also feel a swelling of Bliss. My practice of letting go of attachment leaves room for the quality of Bliss to arise. The beauty and strength of doing this work are that when the challenges of living happen, I can tap into the underlying emotion of Bliss. 

I still feel the sadness and the anger  - but there are moments of reprieve where Bliss energy rises up and fills me.  I can’t keep people from dying or pandemics from happening but I can create my emotional state so that I have the resilience and better yet, I am able to tap into my own Buddha nature during these extremely hard times.

This is really the only sure thing we have. It is our emotional grounding. The core that stabilizes us during the challenges that life throws at us. 

What I find SO incredibly powerful about this is that being in our Bliss nature is how we start out in the world.  It is already at our core and through doing practices, such as mediation, we can connect with that part of ourselves. It is never too late and anyone can access it. It's a gift we are born with.

My Lama often says to be grateful that we are born into such auspicious circumstances. I am very much feeling that right now. I am deeply grateful to have the gift of Vajrayana Buddhism, to be part of beautiful communities, and that I have the privilege of having my base needs met so I have the space to think about things like Bliss Nature.

Tantra, it's not all blowjobs and unicorns! It is a holistic healing practice (which sometimes involves blowjobs and unicorns).

If you’re able, please send a prayer or good thoughts for Rudi and his family. May Rudi have ease and love on this next part of his journey and may his family feel held by community during this devastating time ♥

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