Holy Moly! I just came home from 3 days with some of my Sangha (Tantric Buddhist Community) and what a powerhouse of healing it was.
As an introvert, despite having two wonderful communities as well as some really good friends I often forget to reach out.
I am an AWESOME community builder but at the same time it's not unusual for me to step back and continue to lone wolf it.
I have a need for quite a bit of alone time to recharge but I am challenging myself to find more balance this year and reach out to my communities.
That's a hard balance to find as an introvert who works intimately with hundreds of people a year.
What a gift I gave myself by reaching out to my Sangha. I was filled with love, deep intellectual stimulation (my brain was SO grateful!), spiritual and physical healing. I won’t tell you all about it but I will say that if you don’t have close friends who will work on your naked body and offer you healing sessions as fun, you need to get some!!!
As we go into the fall and a possible second wave of Covid I know that my communities will be my lifeline. I don’t want to lone wolf it through the scariness that is our world right now.
I am deeply grateful to be surrounded by the beautiful people I am and I am grateful that the state of the world has forced me to look more deeply at creating balance in my life in this area.
What are your needs for the community right now and how are you filling them?
I am sending you SO MUCH LOVE ♥
Yours in community ♥
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