The End Of The Story Known As 2020


Hello all and welcome to the very end of the story known as 2020.

We are only a few days away from the longest night of the year (thank GODDESS!!!) and then we will start to return to the light.

My question for all of us is: how are we bringing the light?

The world we live in is essentially composed by everyone's individual actions and the impact of those actions. Wow!! This means that each one of us is incredibly powerful, and what we do could be the tipping point in a sea of action (and inaction).

So how are we bringing the light?

This last year has felt incredibly dark at times, but it has also created space for us to really evaluate what we do, what we want to do, and how what we do affects those around us.

While we move towards Solstice and the Holidays, I have been balancing between wanting to give more, wanting to love freely, and to be unconditional in that love, while also knowing that I need to set boundaries, focus on healing the trauma in my family, replenish myself by taking a step back, and by letting go of the role I play in my family - of being the connector.

Initially, what I want and what I need, seemed like conflicting opposites, but what I’m learning is that when I set boundaries, fill my own cup, step back from feeling like I need to connect everyone, and then work on my own family wounds, I actually create a spaciousness within myself that allows me to give more and to be in a space of unconditional love. It’s hard because at the beginning, breaking these patterns often feels like selfishness or like I’m abandoning the people I love; however, when I am present and work through it all, it actually allows me to show up more authentically. 

So I guess I’m bringing the light this year by doing all of that. I am being one example of a healthy, well-balanced woman who is getting good at taking care of herself, while also being in community and living the example of being in-balance rather than giving too much or pulling away. 

I am also bringing the light by being very gentle and compassionate with myself. By treating myself with non-judgement and acknowledging where I’m succeeding. When I look at myself without judgement and with compassion it gives me the sight to see others that way too. 

I am bringing the light by doing the deep work on myself, with my family, with my close friends, and then with my community and with acquaintances. I don't need to make big waves or to feel like I'm changing the world, instead I can trust that my powerful individual action will create a greater impact. When I shift my way of being and create healing within myself, my shift impacts those around me and their shift impacts those around them and so on and so on.

As this season changes I am particularly looking forward to the return of the sun as well as consciously being my own source of the light.

Sending love,
Rosie ❤️

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