My New Year Ritual

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WE MADE IT!!!! Bye, Bye 2020!!!

Hello, My Loves ❤️

What a truly wild ride this past year has been. I feel like we have crammed 10 years of lessons into 2020. My heart is raw from the challenges, from the hard lessons learned, but also from the beauty and the openings that have been presented to us this year.

Ultimately I’m grateful. My people are healthy and well, I am surrounded by love, and I have the resources to continue to work in the field that I love. That’s BIG. I feel privileged to be in this position during a time of global challenges.

Every year around this time I do an in-depth personal inventory, and I would like to offer this ritual to you as a gift ❤️

I’ve been doing this ritual for 22 years and it helps me to release what I’m ready to let go of from the past year while setting up my next year. I have created the life I have by doing rituals like this. They have helped me envision where and who I want to be before I create it. I believe that having strong intentions around how you want to move forward and clearing space by letting go of what’s no longer serving you, is a powerful way of creating what you want in your life.

Rosie’s New Year’s Eve Ritual and Reflection:

This usually takes me a couple of hours and it is best if you can do it with a friend.

I like to do this ritual on New Year’s Eve, but you can also do it on New Year's Day.

After dinner, I go before my altar, light some candles and incense, and I sit with my journal, favorite pen, and Tarot Cards.

1. First, draw a Tarot Card that will represent the coming year. You can pick one randomly or you can choose one from your deck that represents the energy you’d like to call into the coming year. Sit with the meaning of that card for a while and then write down the card and the meaning it has for you in your journal.

2. Your next step is to get into the meat of the last year and what you want in this coming year by journaling.

Personal Inventory Reflective Questions for 2020:

- What did I lose?
- What no longer serves me?
- What am I ready to let go of?
- Who have I hurt?
- Who hurt me?
- What resentments am I carrying?
- What did I gain?
- What brought me joy?
- What were my successes?

Looking toward 2021:

- What would I like to bring into my life?
- What would I like to work on?
- Who do I want to be?
- What are my goals?
- What are my aspirations?

What is my theme for 2021?

- Pick 2-3 words that represent what you’d like your focus to be in 2021.
- This ritual involves A LOT of writing and self-investigation, but it's worth it! I promise. 

I wish you SO much, love. I wish that soon we can all be in the same room together and touch our loved ones again. I wish you ease.

May 2021 give us the riches that hard lessons and crises often bring in their aftermath.


Rosie ❤️

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