Taking the time to celebrate

I haven’t been great at celebrating my own successes. They usually just speed by while I have been so focused on getting to the end of the race, that I don’t realize that I’ve won. I just head off to the next race.

I’m learning to stop and enjoy what I’ve created. I already do it with my best creations - my children - but that somehow seems easy because it’s not about me. It's about them and I’m happy to celebrate their awesomeness every chance that I can. But what about my creative children? I’ve poured countless hours into creating the shows, books, classes, workshops, and now retreat, that I offer, but it is rare for e to celebrate these offerings.So, as I am about to welcome 9 beautiful humans to my retreat in Bali, I am going to celebrate. I was up at 5 a.m. this morning doing a Green Tara meditation and dedicating the merit to this beautiful place, the people here, the elements, and the spirits. I will start the retreat with a Welcome Dinner, but truly, it will be a celebration that we all made it here to this amazing place. By “place” I mean both Bali and this place in our lives where we can spend 8 days healing and having fun. 


I will celebrate the culmination of the last 11 months of work and planning to bring this retreat to fruition. I will celebrate the beautiful women who trusted me enough to take this leap with me, and I will celebrate my wonderful assistant, Carmel, who has been invaluable to this creation (luckily she is on the retreat with me, so I can shower her with a lot of love!). I will celebrate my courageous spirit that allowed me to move forward on this retreat, even when my inner critic was trying to discourage me with so many good reasons as to why I shouldn’t. And ultimately, I will celebrate the power and beauty that happens when a group of people come together with the intention to heal and experience joy.


I have much to celebrate and I feel like I’m in exactly the right place to do it.  I hope you are celebrating your successes and pausing to bask in those moments.