What a roller coaster ride living is right now!
I am starting to dream about the life I want to create - right now and in the future. At every stage of my life dreaming has been essential in creating what my future looks like. Usually, I have a vision of what my world will look like in 6 months, a year, or 5 years. With these visions, I can dream and make plans to attain those dreams by having some idea of what steps I will need to take (or at least what could be at my disposal). However, the world does not exist like that right now. I know that I want to organize another retreat, but I have no idea when I will be able to offer that, or what the world I will be offering it to will look like.
My first instinct after realising this was to feel fear and sadness - grieving for what we’ve lost. However, as I sit with this idea - that on a very real level the future is completely unknown to us - I am getting excited. The unknown means that things can be better or beyond my previous imagining. For me, it means that right now is the perfect time to dream. To start to feel into my heart's desire of what I would like to create moving forward, and what I would like this new world to look like. I will do what I’ve always done; dream bigger than anything I think I can create and then take the tiniest step in that direction. I will be open to change, and remain non-attached to the outcome. There is this complete unknown at the other side now, which adds a different element to my dreams, but I am choosing to perceive it as an opportunity to let go of what has been limiting my beliefs previously, and to dream beyond anything I could have imagined.
As an adventurer, I am excited to move into this new world. To co-create it. To dream dreams that I didn’t think could exist in the way we lived formerly (guaranteed annual income, universal health care for all, new ways of creating, life slowing down, and people connecting in deep and intimate ways). As a mother and daughter and lover of humans, I am nervous. My heart is heavy as it anticipates the losses we will experience in our families and communities.
At every challenging time in my life I have used dreaming to pull me forward.
I remember walking through the streets as a young single mother, pushing my son in his stroller, and wondering if I had $5 in my bank account so I could buy our dinner for the night ( having my bank card denied was beyond embarrassing for me, so I spent a lot of time worrying about it). As I was worrying and wondering, I walked past a spa and thought “One day I will have a career where I need to go to the spa and get my hair and my nails done - all of this will be part of my life”. That could be seen as a silly or frivolous wish, being that I could barely put food on the table, but having “silly” or “unrealistic” dreams have led to every good thing that has happened to me or that I’ve created in my life. I have never been willing to live in my circumstances and I think that is one of my greatest strengths. I believe in magic, I believe that miracles do happen, and I believe that our lives can be what we would like them to be. So far my life has proved these beliefs to be true.
So, right now I am dreaming of my backyard being filled with a community garden, of all of our immune systems evolving to deal with COVID-19 so we can process it easily and without harm, of the next time I run a retreat in Bali (Fall 2021 or Winter 2022?) and all the beautiful things I’ll be adding into it. I am dreaming of a world where wealth and health care are more evenly distributed, and where we are united as a global human family with big shows and gatherings, love, laughter, and us holding each other once again. So joyful to be in each others arms.
I’m writing these dreams down and taking one tiny step in that direction. I am not rushing, and instead am trusting that it will all happen in its own perfect time.
Tell me what you are dreaming about. Post about it. Share it with others. We all need to be reminded to dream right now, and to be supported in what we are dreaming this new world will look like.
I love you and I look forward to hearing about what your heart is longing to create.